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Gov Inslee Extends Stay Home Stay Healthy thru May 31st

WA Governor Inslee has extended the Stay Home Stay Healthy order through May 31st, 2020. Inslee announced a multi-phase approach to re-open Washinton’s economy in a press conference this afternoon. Pre-selected counties can gain exemptions from the order due to their small size and low impact of COVID-19 in those locations. Governor Inslee praised Washingtonians’ support for the Stay at Home order thus far, cautioning citizens to continue efforts. Inslee used a parachute analogy; likening re-opening the economy too quickly to a skydiver whose fall was successfully slowed, but then deciding to cut the strings, he immediately falls to the ground. Inslee explained his phased re-opening will be adjustable, beginning this week and likely continuing into the summer as more data is gathered and testing and tracing are expanded, with schools likely to re-open in the fall.

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