Purchasing healthy food at your local grocery store can pay off in fresh, flavor filled meals and a heathy eating style. This edition of SoundCPA Insights for Individuals categorizes grocery spending into the 5 food groups. Splitting the grocery budget makes it easy to focus spending on buying the foods we need to create and maintain a healthy eating style. Spend 3,2,1 Low aims to build our awareness of healthy vs. less healthy spending choices. Apply with flexibility, as a guide to increase the proportion of vegetables, create a balance of fruit, grains and protein, include dairy for calcium and consciously lower the proportion of less healthy foods.
3 | is for allocating 30% of spending to Veggies |
2 | 20% each Fruit, Grains and Protein |
1 | 10% Dairy |
Low | sodium, saturated fats and added sugars |