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Sound Accounting & Technology LLC

Internal Controls in New Business Ventures

New Business Ventures. Capture and control cash flow by designing and implementing internal control systems in new business ventures. Test control systems, communicate and train to fill gaps in effectiveness. Make design improvements for efficient operations, efficient audits and adding capacity for expansion.

Internal control systems are the modern twist on a healthy concept. If it pays to do it, it gives peace of mind to know its reliable. Dysfunctional systems create waste, chaos and opportunities for failure. Healthy systems relieve bottlenecks, create flow and result in beautiful products and a sense of peace.

It’s easy to accomplish goals in the outset of a new business venture when the team’s attention and excitement are focused on removing all obstacles to growth. Enthusiasm is reinforced by rapid cash inflow. Especially in an environment of hot demand. Later, the thrill your team got from conceiving a new business idea vanishes in the reality of ongoing execution tasks. Especially when faced with the daunting task of convincing capital investors of future payoff when there’s little track record for giving assurance. In this scenario, SoundCPA comes along-side owners and executive management to wrangle the flow of business into a steady stream of profit.

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