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Sound Accounting & Technology LLC

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. and the Dream That Lives On

Article by: Sound Accounting & Technology LLC

Today as a nation we honor the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. In 1963, one hundred years after Abraham Lincoln brought end to slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation, Dr. King addressed a peaceful mass of mostly black Americans on the mall in our nation’s capital. Looking at the people gathered to hear him, what’s striking about the crowd is its dignity. Violence notably absent. Standing in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial the people he addressed were themselves at once the embodiment of peaceful endurance and forward momentum. The people of the Civil Rights Movement in America sought, fought for and won racial desegregation in the public square. Dr. King drew a crowd of people living out the sea tide against oppression. He called out the injustice of ghettos and enforced separation that ensure continued poverty. Rather than call for destruction of the American Dream, he called for life in full participation in its promise. His dream is of black and white living and working without enmity. His dream is one that speaks the power love has to reach across the table and regard humanity equally. Now, more than a half century later our nation continues the work of freedom and the American Dream as we go about each day’s business. Thank you, Dr. King for your inspired example.

View the, “I Have A Dream” speech on YouTube

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