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Sound Accounting & Technology LLC

Trading the Sleigh for a Convertible?

This year car companies got more creative than ever generating new car love…

Chevy broadened its market appeal with, ‘I Love It.’

Ford has Mom envisioning herself as a scientist, exploring the ocean depths, while selecting picture enabled Terrain Management tech controls on a family drive. Shifting back to reality, one of the kids requests FROYO from the backseat. Dad whispers, “yes,” and viewers are treated to a gleaming Explorer as Mom turns, delivering safe passage to frozen dessert and extended family fun time.

Nissan’s ad features the ‘Christmas Through the Years’ theme song and snaps of a growing boy’s holidays, unwrapping bigger and better gifts, culminating in the best gift; grownup dad, looking a lot like beloved “This is Us” character Jack Pearson, gets keys to a new Nissan with hugs from his wife and daughter.

Happy Honda Days, simply directs, ‘Unwrap the Joy.’

Aww…Planning Your Next Vehicle Purchase? Today’s SoundCPA Insights for Individuals puts you in the driver’s seat before visiting the dealership!

Building a Scenario That Suits Your Monthly Budget and Long Term Financial Plans
Financing Tips
Short Listing Top Vehicle Picks
If You Plan to Trade or Sell Your Current Vehicle
New or Used? Get a Vehicle Value Analysis
SoundCPA Insights clients can request a Pre-Purchase Vehicle Value Analysis including a Market Value Assessment and valuable information to Protect Yourself From Fraud and Major Mechanical Failure
Business use in mind? Add: Business Use Tax Guidance to your Vehicle Value Analysis
Negotiation: Don’t go it alone! Walk recommendations and Talk recommendations
Wrapping it up! Accounting for Your Purchase

SoundCPA Insights for Individuals puts you in the driver’s seat before visiting the dealership!

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